Monday, March 31, 2008

Pic of the Day!!

Thought you all might like to see a pic of the girls I took this morning! Can you believe how old they are looking?? My babies . . .


Blogger Pa KnitWit said...

cute! i like Gem's outfit :-) The girls look tall....are they tall for their age? perhaps they get that from their mom :-)

4:38 PM  
Blogger Kelli said...

hmmm tall and Karen don't really mesh...if you know what I'm saying...I think she waits until I come to visit to use anything on her top shelves in her kitchen, I'm it's all, "Kelli could you get that, Kelli could you get this...."....I mean really!


all that banter aside...I love this pic, they are the cutest and the colors are so fun....I love me some HAnna MAN! :)

9:45 PM  

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