Thursday, September 07, 2006

Today's Random Pictures

Well, today seems to be another RANDOM day here in the ATL! It started yesterday with Baby A vs. CVS display shelf and as you can see, Baby A lost. And she had 2 stitches inside the 'hole' (as she calls it) and six on the outside! Yikes, I really don't like going to emergency rooms, but they were quick and took us right back when they saw a bloody child and mom holding skin together!! Baby B was alright, but she didn't like seeing her sister's red stuff!

The next picture is Baby B - she wanted her picture taken too, this is the astronaut 'mask' that they made at school today - in honor of the letter A!

And the Final picture is the Spider that we saw outside while we were taking these other pics. I don not think this picture does justice to the SIZE of the spider. And who knows if beside him is an old 'shell' or his lunch! This is our Atomic Spider and we actually get one like this every year! Last year it was closer to the door and I tried to kill it - Windex nor 409 killed the thing, finally it was the Scrubbing Bubbles that did the job! But this year he is far enough away from the front door that hopefully I won't be in the front yard spraying cleaning products into the bushes! (And no, there will not be any pictures of that!)


Blogger Summer said...

that is totally gross... not your kids, the spider. :o) i would HAVE to kill it because if not, i would dream about it coming into my house and eating me for dinner.

11:44 AM  

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