Wednesday, May 16, 2007

still here . . .

don't worry - I am still here. I had an appointment with my midwife today and she is blaming my contractions on a transverse baby! In other words, the baby is lying sideways and is irritating my uterus! Great, so now I am going to have 7 more days with an irritated uterus, contracting and not doing anything to get this baby delivered!! However, at least I have my bag packed and some of the girls' laundry done. So have a good night!!


Blogger Pa KnitWit said...

man, the kids giving you a hard time already? Maybe you won't last the next 7 days...I'll be praying for your comfort :-) just think, you'll win next week's award for the most weight lost in one week. we can't even compete with you :-)

3:30 AM  
Blogger Summer said...

dang.. i was hoping the baby was already out. guess you were too. :o) i'll also be praying it will turn and get off of your bladder. keep us updated!!

4:02 AM  
Blogger Kelli said...

okay I saw your number on caller ID and totally freaked out...make sure you send me your password so I can guest blog for you while you're in the hospital, plus make the annoucemnt :) eeekkkkk it's getting so close! :)

10:40 AM  

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