Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day 2 Update

Okay, walking, eliptical and running all count. I might need a pedometer for all the walking I do in Target, just kidding, that doesn't count!! And I cannot find a ticker/countdown thing that is not about babies, marriage or vacation, so Kelli let me know if you find one!

Yup, Summer you can get up early, there will be mornings that I will do that b/c I love running outside!! Or rejoin the Y, do they have kid care? That might be a nice break for the girls! Gem is going to be spending a lot of time at the Y! A and B wanted to miss school to go to our Y on Monday!

And Kelli - you have to run to b-burg, home, b-burg, and home again - no 95 miles for you!!


Blogger Kelli said...

awwww man.

stick it in, stick it in, stick it in!

12:11 PM  

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