Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I started writing this as a comment on another blog and then my comment was just as long as the blog entry - so I though I should just blog this!! And I really haven't been keeping this blog going!! Sorry!
So my insect story happened at a birthday party last weekend. We were outside and there were LOTS of flies!! They kept landing on the cake - so they covered it. The mother-in-law says, and I quote, "Why cover it up, they aren't going to eat that much!" OOOHHH YUCCK - I HATE FLIES!! They weren't going to eat the cake they were going to poop on it! HELLO?!!!

Top 5 Insects that I hate:

5. Ants - they just get everywhere! We had a large swarm of them while I was pregnant - I called a neighbor to come spray them b/c I was so grossed out!!
4. Spiders - I won't jump and hide - but I think anything with 8 legs is wierd!
3. Flies - poop - need I say more?
2. Worms - they just scare me when I am gardening!
1. COCKROACHES!! They move, they run, they live in all kind of little places - and jump out at you when you least expect it!! We have these big Cockroach things outside - they are some native insect - but they are huge and just might take over Georgia some day!!


Blogger Kelli said...

See now was that hard to update....I don't want to meet any Georgian Cockroach when I come visit, ya hear?

7:30 PM  
Blogger annette said...

Um, worms aren't insects...neither are spiders technically. Remember, I took an entomonlogy class with Kelli at Tech, so I'm an expert...

5:29 PM  

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