Well, this was my morning to sleep in - but I woke up after dreaming about eating a breakfast pastry cart - I couldn't go back to sleep for the hunger pains. Then of course, when I came downstairs and opened the fridge and then the pantry, I realized the most exotic food we had was instant oatmeal. Bummer! So I pulled out the Bisquick and mixed together a blueberry coffee cake. Now, that does not really fit the pastries that were in my dream, but you know, you really only eat that kind of breakfast when you are traveling or at a fancy breakfast event!! I guess that breakfast really is my healthiest meal of the day around here!
And as for Gray's Anatomy, made me bawl like a baby. I think they should have a disclaimer at the start of the show whenever they are going to show a couple losing a baby. I think I will tell A and B's pediatrician who is best friends with Shonda Rhimes - it is a loose connection, but my claim to fame at the moment!!
Anyway, what are we going to do this weekend after I eat my Blueberry Coffee Cake :
1. Watch DH do work around the house - hehe!
2. Get my picture taken with an ewok or a wookie!
3. Rake Leaves - the never ending battle in the backyard!
4. Wrap Christmas Presents - I know - but we have so many for friends and relatives that we have to mail stuff too - that I need to start - but not finish today. Okay, perhaps I will just pull out the wrapping paper for next weekend!
5. Watch DH cut the branches off our magnolia tree that hit the house whenever the wind blows and the sound drives me crazy!!
6. Play with the girls - maybe they will share the dollhouse with me today??
7. Listen for updates on the Hokie game - since it is only on ESPNU and we don't get that channel!
8. Christmas shop for the rest of the presents that we need - but NO MORE FOR THE GIRLS!
9. Wash sheets, vaccuum and generally pick up this messy house!
10. Go for a walk on the Greenway for some much needed exercise
11. Relax, it is the weekend!