Monday, April 03, 2006

My trip . . .


My weekend was relaxing, surprisingly. I had an awesome visit with my mom - we shopped (surprise) and just hung-out. It was nice for a change to be there on my own (without anyone in the hospital!) She showed my the dollhouse she is making the girls and we bought furniture for it - there is a whole world of miniture dollhouse stuff. It is amazing! If you can think of something to be small - it is. They had little miniature VanGogh's Starry Night Framed for the dollhouses - and it was about the size of a postage stamp. Go Figure~ but my mom is having such a good time!!

My dad's party was fun! I saw lots of his old friends that I knew growing up - so it was really nice to get to catch up. Even if I didn't know the people on the boat - they knew me as 'Roy's daughter with the twins.' I was surprised at how much he really does brag on the girls - so sweet! I saw my Grandma Lindquist and Ralph. She was on her best behavior - except for the time when she said my fingers were just too fat for her rings (long story) and when I asked to try and they fit - she looked amazed. HEHE! I might have stubby fingers - but it was a priceless expression on her face. (Really short backstory - For many, many years she has told me that I am just always going to be fat - nice huh!!) BUT it was funn - putting on her big diamond ring - and flashing it at her!!hehehe

Saw my brother - who flew himself off of his motorcycle last week! He looked good - just sore - and humble. Which is an amazing flip from my brother's usual self!

And yesterday I spent 5 hours in the airport while my flight was delayed - but I read a book, had a nice dinner, people watched, and enjoyed myself. It is amazing how refreshed you feel even just getting some time to yourself at the airport!! I highly suggest it!

Anyways, I was really glad to get home. The girls were full of stories to tell me! My dh was ready for his vacation - but he had to work today :( I owe him big time but I think he had a fun time! They went to the zoo, the mall (the girls told me this) and out to dinner! And they keep telling me about driving in his car - they love being able to reach the windows and having the sunroof open!! I guess my minivan is just not the coolest car in the family!!

Okay, I am out of here - THANK YOU AGAIN KELLI!! I love it!! You can be a quest blogger anytime you want!!


Blogger Kelli said...

now it's jer's car huh???

Oh your gma can stuff it...what a terrible rude thing to say....lets recall that she gave us a box with a douche bag in it....ahhh good times good times.

11:04 AM  
Blogger Summer said...

i'm glad you had a relaxing time!! AND got to see all of your family too. :o) i love hanging out in airports. i think it's fun (but it's been awhile without bug... last time i spent the whole layover chasing her around everybody). anyways, glad you're back!!

5:24 AM  

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