Saturday, January 14, 2006

Muscle Pain . . . What's that?

Oh, well, I might have to ease myself into my new ice skating career. Let's just say I can feel every muscle in my legs from my hips to my knees and there are MANY of them. But I am still psyched to go back next Thursday and work them out again. I just might stretch out b4 I skate though to avoid the waddle walk that I have had yesterday and today. I have a tennis match in a couple of hours and I think that is going to be, um, quite strange looking. I really can't move sideways - so use your imagination! Me waddling after a ball, and then trying to get back to the middle of the court before they hit it back to me again. Oh, it really hurts just thinking about it!
So I just stretched out a little and baby A joined me. They stretch in gymnastics class so she she was sitting like a butterfly, then in a v, and then putting her arms over her head and reaching her toes. It was so cute! Baby B could have cared less, she was running around with her little pink car trying to drive around us. Can you tell how different they are - even though its hard to tell them apart sometimes?? Amazing!
Have a great weekend, I am off to wobble on the tennis court!


Blogger annette said...

how was your match? did the ladies enjoy cocktails afterwards?:) that should help with muscle pain!

1:55 PM  
Blogger Kelli said...

you poor thing...wish you had it on video! lol

12:42 PM  
Blogger Summer said...

ha ha!! i just had a good laugh at the mental picture of you playing tennis with sore muscles... hope it went well!

7:49 AM  

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